cANAda pAULA brasil

price: $279.00 CAD  
included: lunch & snack
Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm
Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm

2 days workshop:  
Ago 26 & 27  


As named this technique it’s amazing! Everyone love it.
We open this workshop explaining the colour selection theory and how to play the analogous using a colour wheel to create colour relationship,. harmony, tone variation, and complementary colours. Learning colour selection to master the feeling of your quilt while getting close and far to bring a different perspective.
Create an amazing pixels collage to form a photographic like image. This class is way too much fun!
You will love creating an amazing pixilated collage with fabric squares to form a photographic-like image in this workshop. Ana will cover colour selection theory, using the colour wheel to explore the relationship between analogous and complimentary colours. She will also have you considering tone variations and colour harmony in your quilt. And you will be able to use your new colour selection skills to create perspective in your quilt. As Ana says, “This workshop is way too much fun!"

Quilting supplies should be purchased in advance of the first class. 
Supply list after purchased confirmation.
Sewing machine on the second day.

Please send me YOUR favourite self portrait photo at my email address with the name of the workshop “ AMAZING SQUARES” in the subject so that I can customize your photo and you enjoy more.